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  • Health Balls and Disposable Bowls Picture No.1,Total:1
Works by the Artist
Other Works(85 °C Bakery Cafe Cake and Noodles)
Other Works(Oolong Tea)
Other Works(Yushan)
Other Works(The Garden of Eden)
Other Works(The Tongue of the Wise)
Other Works(Feasting Yet Watchful)
Other Works(Fresh Formosan Fruits)
Other Works(Shabu-Shabu)
Other Works(Five New Senses)
Other Works(The Harvest Season)
Other Works(Pineapple Flowers and Taiwan Fruits)
Other Works(Love of God)
Other Works(Pride and Vainglory)
Other Works(Meinong Ph.D. Scholar's Feast)
Other Works(Wanhua Herb Alley)
Other Works(Food Hygiene Regulations)
Health Balls and Disposable Bowls
HO Huey-Chih
NO. 20150268
Year 2005
Max Size
98 x 123 x 3.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Leased out
Artwork Appreciation
HO Huey-Chih employs a meticulous and realist approach to provide an extensive showcase of the vigor of everyday life in Taiwan. Health Balls and Disposable Bowls shows a table covered by food and food utensils commonly seen in Taiwan that include disposable plastic utensils, fruits, table cloth with brightly colored flower patterns, and colorful porcelain and glass containers, while the background is decorated with common plants. HO Huey-Chih’s artworks are known for their bright colors and composition that highlight the prosperity of life in Taiwan while building upon the local, cultural spirit.