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  • It's a Dark Night Picture No.1,Total:1
Works by the Artist
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It's a Dark Night
SHIU Ruei-Jr
NO. 20140507
Year 2012
Max Size
89 x 88.5 x 5 cm
Artwork Appreciation
SHIU Ruei-Jr is a skilled print artist not only known for his accurate knife work, but also his narrative and interesting compositions. His creative themes are mostly derived from his daily surroundings and experiences, such as afternoon tea, details of his friend’s home, and observations acquired throughout his life, generating artworks that convey a warm and sincere feeling among the viewers. It’s a Dark Night shows a vast land covered with earthen tones, with light colored lines employed in the foreground. The diverse composition shows a misty night with silvery reflections on the iron fence, somber trees, orchids growing on the bark, and ethereal moonlight, evoking our boundless imaginations on the nocturnal splendors.