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To Center Guide ::: :::
Art Licensing
Rich and comprehensive artworks can be a treasure trove for unleashing people’s creativity. At Art Bank Taiwan, we provide authorization services for digital images for everyone from all fields, whether you are just a person full of wild ideas or a professional designer, because you have the potential to transform our artworks into something new. Let our artworks enter your lives and stay with everyone who loves art. If you would like to apply for the authorized use of an image at Taiwan Art Bank, please follow the steps provided below.
01 Pick the Artwork
Submit an inquiry with your favorite artworks and add them to your “wish list”.
Step 1:Pick the Artwork
02 Fill Out the Online Application Form
After confirming your artwork list, complete the online application. Once your application is received, you will be contacted by a specially assigned person.
Step 2:Fill Out the Online Application Form
03 Internal Verification
If we require supplementary documents from you, we will notify you to send us such documents so that we can continue the verification procedure and calculate the authorization fee(s).
Step 3:Internal Verification
04 Sign the Papers and Send Payment
The applicant will be notified to sign the necessary papers and remit payment as soon as the application has been approved. Once we receive the payment, we will mail the digital images that the applicant has applied for on a disc or discs, as well as the receipt, to the applicant.
Step 4:Sign the Papers and Send Payment
05 Return the Digital Content
Deposits will be returned in full to the applicant once we receive the sample(s), image disc(s), and declaration form(s) regarding the use of documents and determine that the relevant rules have not been violated.
Step 5:Return the Digital Content
Important Notices
1.The expiry date of the lease shall be determined by Taiwan Art Bank and shall be three months from “the date of approved usage”. 2.If the applicant wishes to develop products derived from the artwork(s), the applicant must send us “design plans” (including sizes, functions, design concepts, proposed sale price, production quantity, etc.), as well as the design blueprints.