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  • Hand Constitute 1 Picture No.1,Total:1
Works by the Artist
Other Works(Midnight Rain)
Other Works(Mapping)
Other Works(Calm Travel- Guiyang Street)
Other Works(Calm Travel- Temple Street)
Other Works(The House Has One Hundred Hole Window)
Other Works(One Hundred Hole Window 101)
Other Works(Little Sister 3)
Hand Constitute 1
CHEN Shao-Yen
NO. 20140522
Year 2011
Max Size
145 x 145 x 5 cm
Oil on canvas
Artwork Appreciation
CHEN Shao-Yen’s artworks are often based upon familiar themes and portray a purely emotional expression that leaves wide swathes of blank patches on the canvas as he searches for a truthful depiction of his subject. Hand Constitute 1 is based upon the artist’s own hands and explores the various forms and meaning of human hands. These hands are transformed into symbols and then duplicated, overlapped, and expanded around the center of the canvas. Black, gray, and white color tones were used to create a meticulously layered and rich space. Every stroke of this work allows CHEN Shao-Yen to experience the temperature and motion of the human hand. By studying a part of his own body, the artist was able to re-experience and communicate with his inner voice, converting figurative symbols into an abstract form of art as he pours his artistic emotions upon the canvas.