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  • Because of the Wind Picture No.1,Total:3
  • Because of the Wind Picture No.2,Total:3
  • Because of the Wind Picture No.3,Total:3
Works by the Artist
Other Works(Safe Landing)
Other Works(HULA)
Other Works(The Juggler)
Other Works(Balancing Balls)
Other Works(Golden Egg)
Because of the Wind
TSUI Yung-Yen
NO. 20190088
Year 2017
Max Size
102 x 81 x 66 cm
Plating, stain less steel
Artwork Appreciation
TSUI Yung-Yen works in the fields of painting, sculpture and picture book creation. She continues her series of works of "The Circus of Den-Den-Giao-Jean" in the sculpture Because of the Wind. By changing the material, she tries to use the same visual modeling framework to find different creativity. After being polished, lacquered or electroplated, the figure is tiptoeing on a smooth and translucent conical table; its legs are tilting and its hands around the chest are extending into the air as if it is dancing with the wind. TSUI Yung-Yen used the circus elements to present a performance that never ends in an unprofessional but continual state. There is always the absence of certain people and things.