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  • Today's Lunch -Curry Picture No.1,Total:1
Works by the Artist
Other Works(Today's Lunch -Seaweed)
Other Works(At Home Series: Oven & Dishwasher)
Today's Lunch -Curry
LIN Tzu-Chuan
NO. 20130217
Year 2012
Max Size
119.5 x 120 x 5.2 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Artwork Appreciation
In her work, “Today's Lunch - Curry,” Artist LIN Tzu-Chuan turns the process of curry making into simplistic geometric forms, using the rich colors coordinated with block shapes to capture the moment of curry and multiple ingredients cooking in the wok. Using the repeated coating of acrylic color, LIN Tzu-Chuan brushes the different blocks in different thickness. After layers of coating, a thick and multi-layer texture appears to present 3D effect on the smooth canvas through the changes in the height of texture. The artist uses bright yellow color as the base tone to represent the fragrant, smooth and thick curry while the fresh vegetables are represented in green, blue and red. Such partially strong contrast presents the abstract image with dynamic tension and fun. The artist heats up the details in life through geometrical rationality and passionate colors so that we can image the rice grains left on the mouth while sealing the happy moments of meal time.