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  • Root Picture No.1,Total:1
Works by the Artist
Other Works(Fractal Garden)
Other Works(Molecular Machinery Specimens)
NO. 20170077
Year 2017
Max Size
55 x 164.5 x 8 cm
Paint on aluminum alloy
Artwork Appreciation
HUANG Lan-Ya uses personal life, emotions, memories, and physical experiences as the basis to create works presenting the vitality and brilliance of life. The artist’s works focus on the core concept of fractals, form of similar patterns at increasingly small scales that are often seen in nature. Root shows the microscopic structure of a cross-section of a root combined with fractals. The entire assemblage is then provided with a changing spectrum of colors, giving it a novel aura of energy while offering a unique visual sensation. To HUANG Lan-Ya, roots form a sturdy network and serve as the foundation where different types of organisms and lifeforms derive nourishment. Culturally, roots represent the personal identity and connections with the mainstream society. Roots are tolerant, absorbing nutrients that ultimately manifest themselves upon individual behaviors, mindsets, and attitude towards life.