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  • Dream Picture No.1,Total:3
  • Dream Picture No.2,Total:3
  • Dream Picture No.3,Total:3
Works by the Artist
Other Works(Space Form)
TUNG Ming-Chin,
NO. 20220145
Year 2022
Max Size
46 x 90 x 50 cm
Artwork Appreciation
In 2008, artist Tung Ming-Jin was inspired by the popular Marvel hero movies and created a work titled New Hero to explore in depth what a hero is. This work, Sleep, is actually an extension of New Hero. It seeks mainly to explore the possibility that heroes not only have a positive, brave image but also have inner emotions like warmth, shyness, or fear. Tung Ming-Jin first completed the overall shape through wood carving, which he is good at, then cast it in copper, and finally sprayed the finished product with white paint. From a distance, it looks like a cloud, but on closer look, it looks like there are countless faces, hands, and feet trying to break through the thin film that wraps them.The artist believes that the membrane is the boundary between himself and the outside world, and the space in the membrane symbolizes a warm, comfortable, and protective shelter.